Eliminating Fuel Shrink, Increasing Profit.
By calibrating meters as closely as possible to true zero, you benefit from:

as site shrink from meters is eliminated, ensuring that you gain the full value of every gallon of gasoline you purchase.

as meters are brought reliably within State Weights & Measures tolerances with the goal of calibrating the meter to zero.

to spend managing your business rather than investigating inventory shortages.
Every fuel station runs a dual risk when dispensing their product: unnecessarily giving away fuel to customers, and “shorting” customers fuel–in essence risking fines, penalties and loss of reputation. In both cases, the net result is significant profit loss.
Unfortunately, the traditional methods of testing and recalibration – most of which were developed over half a century ago – have many inherent limitations and failings that inhibit them from accurately testing and calibrating meters at today’s high-volume fuel sites. Accuracy is negatively impacted by factors such as vapor loss during proving, effects of temperature, imprecise meniscus readings, flow rates, leveling problems and a lack of experience with today’s more complex dispenser equipment.
Fortunately, there is an alternative. Crompco, the nation’s industry leader in underground tank, line and vapor recovery testing, offers a meter calibration solution that can immediately reduce profit loss and fuel shrink from your meters: AccuMeasure.